
How Do You Update a Client's Financial Plan Due to Changes in the Economic Landscape?

How Do You Update a Client's Financial Plan Due to Changes in the Economic Landscape?

Navigating the financial tides can often feel like steering a ship through unpredictable waters. Insights from a President and a Co-Founder reveal how experts manage to stay afloat. The article opens with a President's experience of reallocating portfolios to savings bonds and concludes with a Founder & CEO's exploration of different mortgage plans. Discover a total of five expert insights in this comprehensive guide.

  • Reallocated Portfolio to Savings Bonds
  • Adjusted Pricing Strategy for Inflation
  • Found Property in Growing Neighborhood
  • Shifted to Fixed-Income Investments
  • Explored Different Mortgage Plans

Reallocated Portfolio to Savings Bonds

I've had to update several client portfolios recently due to the dramatic shifts in inflation and interest rates. One retired couple was particularly worried about their fixed income investments, so we reallocated about 30% of their portfolio into Series I Savings Bonds and short-term Treasury bills for better yields. While it wasn't an exciting change, it helped them sleep better at night knowing their retirement income was better protected against inflation.

Adjusted Pricing Strategy for Inflation

Recently, I worked with a freelance photographer who needed to adjust her financial plan due to rising inflation affecting her equipment costs and travel expenses. We restructured her pricing strategy and identified tax deductions specific to her industry, resulting in a 15% increase in her net income. I recommended she create an LLC and set up a separate business credit card, which helped her better track expenses and build business credit.

Found Property in Growing Neighborhood

I have had the privilege of working with clients from all walks of life. One particular experience that stands out to me is when I had to update a client's financial plan due to changes in the economic landscape.

My client, let's call her Sarah, was looking to invest in a property for rental income. She had carefully planned her budget and identified the perfect property within her price range. However, just as we were about to close the deal, there was a sudden shift in the economy that caused property prices to increase significantly.

This unexpected change caught Sarah by surprise and she was worried about how it would affect her long-term financial goals. As her trusted real estate agent, I knew it was my responsibility to help her navigate through this situation and make informed decisions.

After discussing the current economic climate with Sarah and understanding her financial goals, we decided to update her plan by looking for properties in up-and-coming neighborhoods that showed potential for growth. We also explored different financing options that could help mitigate the impact of the rising property prices.

Together, we were able to find a suitable property at a slightly higher price than originally planned but located in an up-and-coming area with great potential for rental income. We also secured a favorable loan that allowed Sarah to comfortably afford the investment without compromising her long-term financial stability.

Shifted to Fixed-Income Investments


One experience that stands out was working with a client during a period of rising interest rates. Their financial plan initially focused on growth investments, but with the shift in the economic landscape, we reviewed their portfolio and identified areas for reallocation.

For example, we looked at fixed-income options that could take advantage of higher yields while still preserving capital. Additionally, we adjusted their cash flow strategy to account for increased borrowing costs in their business operations.

This process highlighted the importance of staying flexible and proactive when external conditions change. Regularly reviewing financial plans ensures they remain aligned with the client's goals while adapting to the realities of the market.

Rees Odhiambo
Rees OdhiamboInsurance broker, ThrivexDNA

Explored Different Mortgage Plans

I have had my fair share of experiences where I had to update a client's financial plan due to changes in the economic landscape. One particular experience stands out in my mind as it not only taught me the importance of keeping up with current market trends but also highlighted the impact of economic changes on my clients' financial plans. I was working with a couple who were looking to purchase their first home. They had been saving for years and finally felt ready to make the big investment. We had already found them their dream home and were in the process of finalizing the paperwork when news broke of a significant increase in mortgage interest rates. This sudden change in the economic landscape meant that their original financial plan, which was based on lower interest rates, was no longer feasible. The couple was understandably concerned and worried that they may not be able to afford their dream home after all. As their trusted real estate agent, it was my responsibility to guide them through this situation and provide them with viable solutions. I immediately sat down with them and discussed the updated numbers, taking into account the higher interest rates. We explored various options such as adjusting their budget, looking at different mortgage plans, and even considering alternative properties.

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